E for Effort designed the Banorah in 2021 with BKLYN CLAY who hand made a limited edition Banorahs in the USA.

In 2023, we teamed up with Kikkerland to make the widely distributed Kikkerland Banorah.

E for Effort x BKLYN CLAY Banorah

Made in collaboration with BKLYN CLAY, The Banorah is a handmade slip cast menorah in the shape of a banana.

Neither the banana nor the joke will ever get old. It’s basically a miracle.

Materials: Stoneware, Underglaze, Glaze
Dimensions: 10.5 x 1.75 x 3.5 in.
Includes candles and a custom Bic Banorah lighter

E for Effort x Kikkerland Banorah

Material: Ceramic

Dimensions: 3.25" x 10.5" x 1.5"

Boxed for shipping globally.